Sunday, August 8, 2010

185. "This honeyed world..."

This honeyed world is to be pursued from its highest shelf to obscurest base; its combs to be dug from the implicit walls, and cleaned; gleaned for precious sources, and replaced within their panels. Sources, involutions to be turned in for the catch, discreta to pluck, to be plucked by hand. Forthcoming, between labian flosch, out come the softest jewels: celly lengths to see paisley-bursts ganged so close as to go undistinguished as bursts. Icicled vats, wider than high, sequestered under peaked mountains, are sites for re-tiering sources, ‘thexing their lights (sweated, remember, from throttled and clobbered Golgi) into crosswise tiers of hammered logic. Swung hammers hinged from the wall persuade the flushed product into celly-mats, juddering slightly in the cleaned space. Run out on hangers these source-made mats are launched into commerce’s run, to make the moveable weatherbreaks for a wary walk into the paisleyed world.
